Contemplating Your Relationship with Substances- Harm Reduction Group

This relational process group utilizes the stages of change model to assist clients in exploring their relationship with substance use and explore ways to reduce harms of use, and change relationship with substances.

Group Therapy
Group Therapy


  • Time:
    6:00 PM  - 7:30 PM
  • Recurrence:Weekly Recurrence varies (see description)
  • Number of openings available:Openings available
  • Number of participants:10 maximum participants
  • Fee structure:Sliding scale fees available on as-needed basis


  • Kate Salmon LPC

    Independent Therapist
    Kate is a mental health therapist who treats addiction, depression, anxiety in addition to other concerns.
    Kate Salmon Headshot Cropped
  • What is this group?

    This relational process group utilizes the stages of change model to assist clients in exploring their relationship with substance use and explore ways to reduce harms of use, and change relationship with substances.

    Who is this group for?

    Adults who want a different relationship with, or want to end their relationship with, or who have ended their relationship with substances. Clients must be located in DC or Virginia at the time of sessions.

    Additional Information:

    • Cross-theoretical Psychodynamic and CBT process group that establishes trust and open communication among members
    • Building healthy relationships, learning effective communication strategies, managing boundaries, processing emotions, and promoting empowerment will be cornerstones of the group process
    • Psychoeducation will be provided on substance use disorders and on harm reduction strategies
    • Clients will explore their relationship with their substances of choice (drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco)
    • Clients will explore deeper reasons/motivations behind their relationship with substances
    • Clients will identify costs and benefits of harm reduction strategies and of abstinence
    • Client will learn coping skills to manage emotions that lead to substance use/overuse
    • To attend this group, we ask that clients not be under the influence during the group so they can obtain maximum benefit
    • Payment plans available and sliding scale will be offered on an as needed basis.